Financial Wellness

You shouldn’t have to waste hours of your life worrying about money. With Financial Wellness, you gain a helping hand to guide you through the major financial changes and challenges you’ll face throughout life, from paying for college to buying a home to managing a budget. Call a financial counselor for a more hands-on approach, or tackle your financial situation independently with learning tracks through the Online Financial Wellness Center.
Financial Wellness does not provide investment, legal, or tax advice.


Financial Wellness FAQ

How can Financial Wellness assist me?
Periodically you may need financial guidance and have nowhere to turn. Financial Wellness provides guidance whenever the need arises. Financial Wellness:
Will I be charged when using Financial Wellness?
It does not cost anything to call Financial Wellness and you can use the benefit as often as needed.

What questions can I ask?
Everything from household debt and budgeting to retirement planning and saving for college education.
Some examples include:
Are there online tools available?
There are a variety of planning tools you can use for quick calculations, such as a retirement planner, a Roth IRA planner, a college savings calculator, a 401(k) loan analyzer and more.

Is there a limit on the number of questions I can ask?
No, you may ask as many questions, as often as you want.

Who answers the questions?
Counselors are all accredited, certified and experienced professionals with technical expertise and excellent communication skills.

How long does it take to receive answers to the questions?
Counselors can usually answer the question and provide guidance within one conversation. A follow-up call may be necessary if a counselor needs to obtain additional information.

Does this service offer specific tax or investment advice?
The professional financial counselors help you understand and plan for day-to-day and long-term financial needs. Counselors do not provide specific investment or tax advice. You may be referred to an outside tax professional, investment advisor or a not-for-profit debt management agency for additional assistance. Financial Wellness receives no economic benefit from any outside referrals. Referrals do not constitute an endorsement or assurance of quality by Financial Wellness.